Student Opportunity Awards
Travel to Present Funds
The funds are made possible by generous friends and alumni of Skidmore College. Awards support travel to present research or creative projects at regional or national meetings or conferences. Grants may be used to defray the costs of travel, lodging, meals and conference registration fees. Award amounts are typically $650-$750 and depend on availability of funds each semester.
Because funds are awarded on a rolling basis, applications should be submitted soon after receiving approval to present and no later than three weeks prior to the conference.
Funds are not available for travel to attend a meeting where the student does not present, or for class-related activities (curricular or co-curricular). Please email with questions.
For guidance on the application process, see these instructions and the criteria for receiving funding.
Application checklist:
- Application form | Application instructions
- Faculty sponsor recommendation and signature
- Proposal (PDF) | Sample Proposal
- Proof of acceptance to the professional meeting
- Budget (itemized and totaled, either as PDF or Excel spreadsheet) | Sample Budget
- W-9 Taxpayer ID and certification Complete the form and sign(home address not Skidmore address?. You must submit a W9-even if you are a student worker.