Dear friends,
It is my pleasure to write to you in my capacity as the interim director of the CLTL. I am excited to step into the role and I ask for your patience while I get my bearings. I want to thank outgoing CLTL director Kristie Ford, and CLTL founding director Erica Bastress-Dukehart, for building such a strong organization with such a visible commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Our team — myself, along with student assistants Sophie Gilbert and Michael DeCarlen-Bumiller and administrative assistant Jeanne Eddy — will be reaching out with information about our upcoming programming and our ongoing opportunities and resources. We look forward to hearing from you and learning from and with you. Please feel free to contact me at any point with ideas, questions, requests, and feedback at
With all best wishes,
Kate Graney
Interim Director of the CLTL